在蓬勃爆發的市場中, 由著名企業春虹建設投資, 並由業界資深優質團隊經營管理的春虹光電於2017年4月成立, 並且在 2018年6月設立工廠第一期於楊梅. 至2021年6月,開始工廠第四期擴建
在早年,光學鏡頭的設計及加工被視為一種藝術, 需要工匠反覆的修正雕琢才能盡善盡美.一顆好鏡頭造價不斐. 而如今數位產品時代, 對鏡頭的體積要求越來越小, 性能要求越來越高, 大批生產的數量以及速度也百倍千倍的提升. 傳統工匠式的小量生產顯然不能滿足需求. 春虹成立的信念以及競爭優勢, 就是在於我們保留工匠式的精益求精信念, 並融合新一代數位科技, 為這個世界"量產視覺藝術傑作".
一件藝術精品, 例如"蒙娜麗莎的微笑","清明上河圖","翠玉白菜",...有可能加以複製量產卻又不失其神韻嗎? 在數位世界裡, 只要我們將這些精品予以分割到極細微的畫素或者格片,再在這些細微的畫素中精心模製色彩筆法.量產複製這些精逸絕倫的藝品,已經不是問題.
而在鏡頭工藝上, 春虹團隊將所有工作程序拆解成一個又一個可控的微小項目, 專注在每一個動作,每一個設定,每一個分析之中. "大巧若拙". 以數位管理將工匠之心平凡無華地落實在每一個細節裡.再累積組合為可迅速批量化生產的能力.
春虹光電秉持以上理念,已經取得多個認同我們理念的知名客戶設計導入(Design Win)並逐步進入量產.
In an exploding market, Spring Rainbow Optics was funded in April 2017 by Spring Construction CO., LTD and led by the finest and accomplished team in the industry. The first phase of factory set up was in June 2018 in Yangmei and the newest expansion starts in June 2021.
In the early stages of lens manufacturing, designing and processing of lenses were seen as an art form. Perfection of the lenses are crafted through countless iterations from the craftsman. A well made lens costed dearly. However in modern digital times, requirements demand the lenses to be manufactured smaller in size and better in performance, therefore mass production of lenses and speed of production evolved tremendously. The traditional method of producing a lens is clearly not fit for such expectations. Spring Rainbow Optic’s mission and strength is all about retaining the heart of the craftsmanship and fusing new technology to create “mass produced visual masterpieces” for the world.
Can artworks such as Mona Lisa, Along the River During the Qingming Festival, the Jade Cabbage not lose it’s essence after being mass produced and copied? However in the digital world, we can divide these boutique into pixels and parts, then recreate it through analysis of it’s strokes and techniques. The question will not be unanswered.
In the artistry of lenses manufacturing, the Spring Rainbow Optics team have disassembled the entire procedure into controllable smaller tasks. This allows for better focus on each action, each setting and each analyzation. We have accentuated the heart of the modern craftsman through daily details, and built up an ability to effectively assemble production.
By holding fast to what we believe in, we have acquired many Design Win with reputable clients and are in the process of mass production.
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